Knack Wiki


"Be on guard, Knack. These woods are full of dangerous creatures"
— Doctor Vargas

Template:Infobox Character The Doctor (Also known as Doctor Vargas) is a leading weapons developer for the human coalition in Knack. Due to the war with the Goblins, humanity is desperate for any edge that will grant them success and survival, and The Doctor is one of those edges. To the surprise of many of his colleagues, The Doctor offers his artificial intelligence construct, Knack, as a weapon in the war against Gundahar and the Goblin armies. The Doctor is an active protagonist, as opposed to being a passive background character. The Doctor is also principally responsible for raising and caring for Lucas, as Lucas' parents are deceased and his uncle is a globetrotting adventurer.


To the surprise of many of his colleagues, The Doctor offers his artificial intelligence construct, Knack, as a weapon in the war against Gundahar and the Goblin armies. He is seen helping Knack throughout the reveal trailer, showing that The Doctor is an active protagonist, as opposed to the typical passive background character. The Doctor is also principally responsible for raising and caring for Lucas, as Lucas' parents are deceased and his uncle is a globetrotting adventurer. Was in love with Charlotte twenty years ago and never quite gave up on her. Apparently was good friends with Lukas' parents before they passed.

He was also haunted by the past where he had lost his beloved wife, Charlotte, while going to the excavation site in search for relics. By the time it happened, the whole place started to tremble. She had fallen into the chasm, never to see her again, after the earthquake had occurred. To his horror, he felt the loss of his love with a heavy sorrow. Several weeks have passed, Vargas goes on the expedition to search throughout the ruined excavation site, but there was no sign of Charlotte. Despite all his efforts to search for her, he gave up the search.


He is described by Lucas being incredibly stubborn. Though very much not average scientist, he is nonetheless very dedicated to his work, to the point in which he would enter dangerous places to further it. He will also tend to act before he thinks, and needs someone to talk him down on occasion (Perhaps more). He also quite full of himself, and a bit obnoxious, something apparently


He has a goatee, a blue shirt, brown pants, a belt and a white-and-green bracelet. Since his youth, he has now gained weight.

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  • Can almost be seen as the opposite of Dr Light (See Megaman), as he is an active, (Though not totally fit) scientist who helps his creation, with a stubborn personality